TOP 35 OXYMORON : 35. State worker : 34. Legally drunk : 33. Exact estimate : 32. Act naturally : 31. Found missing : 30. Resident alien : 29. Genuine imitation : 28. Airline Food : 27. Good grief : 26. Government organization : 25. Sanitary landfill : 24. Alone together : 23. Small crowd : 22. Business ethics : 21. Soft rock : 20. Butt Head : 19. Military Intelligence : 18. Sweet sorrow : 17. Compassionate Conservative : 16. "Now, then ..." : 15. Passive aggression : 14. Clearly misunderstood : 13. Peace force : 12. Extinct Life : 11. Plastic glasses : 10. Terribly pleased : 9. Computer security : 8. Political science : 7. Tight slacks : 6. Definite maybe : 5. Pretty ugly : 4. Rap music : 3. Working vacation : 2. Religious tolerance : And the number one top Oxy-Moron.... : 1.Happily Married