1. My name is Doug, from North Carolina, USA.
2. My goal is to have the best and most popular humor site on the web.
3. I don't expect to do this without very hard work and I can't do it without your help.
4. Each time you visit " The Phunny Pharm " laugh and have fun, but also if you have
any jokes or funny pictures please send it to [email protected] and I will post it.
5. Give my address http://go.to/dougsjokes.com to your family, friends, office workers,
anyone that will give my site a try. Getting them to come back is my job.
6. An easy way to help my site is to help me get more hits. You can do this easily by clicking
the link banners on my site. This helps my site get more clicks by being seen more.
The more hits the banner receives from my site the higher my site moves in the site ranks and this translates
into more people seeing my site name and coming to check it out. This help is greatly appreciated.
Site News
2. Check out page 2 of my site. It contains more jokes and pictures as well as a section
devoted to NASCAR humor. The link is at the bottom of page one.
NEW ADDITION- I have added a new addition of my sick humor to page one. It's called Quickstix, It's my creation of stickfigure animation combined with the knowledge that people laugh when someone gets hurt. It's not for everyone, as I have been called crazy among other things for this addition, for those with an open sense of humor, enjoy. For those who take offense to them, I will take this into consideration.
Site Survey
href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]