What's the difference between mono and herpes?
You get mono when you snatch a kiss.
Five fags were sitting in a hot tub when suddenly a blob of semen
floated to the surface. "Alright," said the big one, "Who farted?"
Did you hear about the article in the newspaper the other day
about gays? It said that 80% of all gay men were born gay, and as
for the other 20% - they just got sucked into it.
Two gays were talking when one of them happened to mention that he
had gotten circumcised last week. "Can I see it?" asked the second
fag, so he promptly dropped his drawers to show off his cock.
"Oooh," squealed his friend, "You look ten years younger!"
What is the definition of a sardine?
It's a little fish that smells like a finger!
And now, the designers, looking once more to make a buck off all those
designer-label fans, have come up with a new one - designer condoms!
The first two to come out with them are Pierre Hardon and So-soon!